6 Awesome Benefits Of Pullups And How To Do Them Right

benefits of pullups

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If you want to learn the benefits of pullups (and I mean the REAL benefits of pullups), then this is the most important page you’re ever going to read.

Because in today’s short sharp blog post, I’m going to be taking you on a magical journey in the realm of the AWESOMENESS that is the almighty pullup.

Now, I’ve always been a huge advocate of this beast of an exercise. Because to be honest, nothing comes close to the physical and functional benefits you can achieve from this seemingly simple move.

Want proof?

Just take a look at some of the top calisthenics athletes from the likes of Bar Brothers and Barstarzz, and you’ll see how very possible it is to build real size and strength with this simple up and down move.

Better still, it’s something that ANYBODY can learn provided they’re will to put in the time and work their ass off.

So what are the REAL benefits of pullups?

Let’s take a look…

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To QUICKLY Master Advanced Calisthenics Exercises Like The Muscle-Up, Front Lever, Pistol Squat And Other Epic Moves That Defy The Law Of Gravity

(Video Will Open In A New Window)

Bar Brother Video

How To Do A Pullup (The Right Way)

Now, before I dive in and start reeling off the benefits. I think it’s only right to take you through the correct setup and execution of the perfect pullup.

To be honest, this is a benefit in itself. Especially if your pullups look more like a wet fish flopping around trying to jump off a boat. 

So take a look at the details below to see what the pullup SHOULD look like when done right…

#1 – Setup

So the first thing you want to take note of here is the position of your scapula (shoulder blades).

So grab the bar as you normally would with your hand a little wide than shoulder-width apart (palms facing forward). And hang from the bar with your scapula full protracted (shoulder blades pulled forward).

Here’s what it should look like for reference… (see image)

scapula protraction and retraction

Now, once you’re in position, the next thing you want to do is position your legs slightly forward into a hollow body position. 

This is going to allow the core and glutes to fully engage while placing a lot more of your body’s natural weight on your back and biceps (the muscles meant to be worked).

#2 – The Execution

When you’re ready, slowly start to squeeze your shoulder blades together (scapular retraction) while pulling your chest up towards the bar.

As you do, make sure to maintain the hollow body position we talked about in the setup.

Then as you near the top, really squeeze your shoulder blades together while making sure your chin reaches above the bar.

Hold for a brief second before lowering yourself back down.

hollow body pullup example

#3 – The Negative

As you lower yourself (negative phase of the movement), make sure you do it in a slow and controlled manner to really feel the muscles working throughout the descent.

Again, maintain a hollow body position until your back to your starting position.

Rinse and repeat like a boss.

If there’s one thing you need to remember, it’s that more isn’t necessarily better. 

It’s all about form. 

So once you hit around 15 reps, I’d recommend implementing harder progressions like archer pullups or even weighted pullups.

And even when you do get to a high standard with your pullups. It’s still important to continue to mix up rep ranges to work on both your strength and muscular endurance. 

If you do, you’ll be surprised at how much effortless the pullup will become over time.

benefits of pullups

6 Insane Benefits Of Pullups

So what are the main benefits of pullups?

Let’s take a look…

Compound Movement

So the first and most obvious benefit is that the pullup is a compound movement.

Basically, what this means is that it works for multiple muscle groups in one fell swoop.

This is precisely what you need if you plan on taking your strength and physique up a peg or two because… 

More muscles worked = More work done in less time.

This, in turn, is what’s going to allow you to focus on other areas of your training without feeling the need to add in any extra isolation work.

A great benefit if you ask me.

No Equipment Needed (Kinda)

Now, I say no equipment, but if you’re serious about practicing pullups consistently. Then ideally, you’ll want to invest in some sort of pullup bar.

You could head down to your local calisthenics park or find a low hanging tree branch to perform pullups. 

But preferably, you’ll want to get yourself a pullup bar with multiple grip positions so you can target specific muscle groups from every possible angle.

If you DO need a pullup bar, you can pick up a door-mounted pullup bar at amazon pretty cheap.

Or if you’re feeling adventurous, then you could always opt for a state of the are pullup station.

An added benefit of this is that they usually come with a set of parallel dips bar.

And when combined, pullups and dips are the ultimate upper body combo for getting seriously jacked. 

So if you’re serious about getting in shape, then a pullup station might be your best option.

man performing pullups

It Works The Core (Hard!)

This is overlook because, frankly, most people don’t perform pullups correctly. And because of this, they don’t really work their core to its full potential.

So there are two ways to hit the core hard with pullups…

The first way is to simply adopt a hollow body position. This was explained in the ‘how to do a pullup’ section above.

The other way you can reap the massive core benefits of pullups is to perform them weighted.

See, when you perform weighted pullups, your core is forced to engage to account for the increased load your putting on your body.

You probably won’t notice as much with an additional 5-10 pounds hanging from your body in the form of a dip belt or weighted vest. 

But once you start getting into the realm of serious weighted work (50+ pounds), then your core will take a huge hammering.

Functional Strength

Put simply, functional strength is basically strength that has a carryover into your everyday life.

For instance…

  • Deadlifting – Picking something up off the floor
  • Squats – Squatting down to do something at low level
  • Overhead Press – Putting a heavy box on the top shelf

These are all functional movement patterns that we use in everyday life.

The pullup is no different.

Functional training goes way beyond just building a set of gym muscles to show off at the beach.

It’s a way for you to build real strength by moving your body the way it was designed to move.

Relative Strength

Relative strength (sometimes confused with functional strength) is basically how strong you are compared to your own bodyweight.

But here’s the thing…

Strong people don’t necessarily possess relative strength.

Because while big brawny guys at the gym might be able to lift heavy iron (absolute strength). This doesn’t mean that they’re capable of moving their body effectively with an exercise like the pullup.

Let me give you an example…

Now, imagine for a second that you’re hanging from a helicopter 300 feet in the air.

What do you think is going to benefit you more.

The ability to perform a 400-pound bench press…

Or the ability to hoist your own bodyweight up and onto the platform.

I’ll bet my left nut it’s going to be the latter… right?

And this is exactly what relative strength is. The ability to move your own body weight effectively.

So next time you pick up a set of dumbells and start hammering out biceps curl in the mirror, just think about what it’s actually doing for your relative strength.

man working out in the park

Improves Your Posture

Most people focus more on the push (think meat heads repping out on the bench press).

However, there’s nothing worse for your posture than focusing on too much push and not enough pull.

The solution?

Lots and lots of quality pullups. 

Studies suggest that you should actually pull more than you push, and it makes total sense if you think about it.

Again, I refer back to the meathead repping out on the bench press until his eyeballs bleed.

Next time you go to the gym, take a look at their posture, and you’ll probably notice how rounded and hunched forward their shoulders are.

So case in point…

…Adding pullups to your workout along with additional pull work like inverted rows is a surefire way to bring your body alignment right back to where it’s supposed to be.

And this is also what’s going to eliminate further complications like back and neck pain as you start to reach your golden years.

So make sure you pull and do it often. You’ve future self will thank you.

man performing pullups

Taking Your Pullups To The Next Level

So now you know the benefits, it’s time to put together an effective plan of action to take your pullups to the next level and beyond.

Now, you could just wing it and throw together some rehashed ineffective pullup program that you saw in the latest health magazine.

But to be honest, you’d probably just be spinning your wheels and getting nowhere if you decide to do this.

You need structure…

…An effective plan of action that’s going to skyrocket your muscle-building potential while turning you into a lean, mean, pullup repping out machine that you’ve always wanted to be.

So if this sounds like something you want to achieve, then here’s what I recommend:

It’s called Bar Brothers – The System

Basically, Bar Brothers is a 12-weeks transformation program where you’ll learn the exact step-by-step process to take your bodyweight movements to the next level and beyond.

Better still, you’ll be able to take your pullup game to an entirely new level by learning how to master advanced bodyweight exercises like the muscle-up, front lever, back lever, plus lots more.

Now, I’m not going to try and overhype or oversell anything here because I’m not really that sort of guy. And I’d much rather you just check the program out for yourself to see if it’s a good fit for you.

But if you’re hell-bent and getting in the best shape of your life while learning some of the most advanced calisthenics skills on the planet, then it’s well worth a few minutes of your time.

So with that said, here’s the link to take a look: Bar Brothers – The System

(Video Will Open In A New Window)

Bar Brother Video

Anyway, that about wraps things up for today’s blog post, and I sincerely hope that you’ve learned a few things of value.

But if you have any questions or comments or want to add your own thoughts on the benefits of pullups, then feel free to drop a comment below…


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