How To Do Weighted Pullups For Epic Gains In Size And Strength

weighted pullups

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Most people suck at pullups. So if you’re already at a level where you want to learn how to do weighted pullups, then congratulations, you’re already way ahead of the pack.

Now, when I first started calisthenics. Pullups, dips, and pushups were the only exercises I did for my entire upper body. But like most things (and as I progressed beyond the basics), I ultimately needed to find a new way to challenge myself.

And this is where weighted pullups came into play. Because to be honest, I can’t think of a single better exercise capable of packing on huge amounts of deadly lean muscle.

Better still, it’s a functional movement that builds relative strength. The kind of strength that serves a purpose other than showing off to your buddies in the gym.

And I can speak from personal experience when I say that ever since I started implementing weighted pullups (and other, equally awesome weighted calisthenics) into my workouts. Both my strength, size, and physique has changed for the better.

This is why, in today’s blog post. I’m gonna take you through everything I’ve learned about how to use weighted pullups to their full potential. 

So you can ultimately reap the benefits of this totally badass, yet completely underrated exercise.

Let’s do it…

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When To Start Weighted Pullups

Now, the best time to start any type of weighted work (in my opinion) should be when you can perform at least 7-10 reps of unweighted pullups with good form.

And when I say good form. I’m talking about using a full range of motion, full scapula depression and retraction, and making sure that each repetition is slow and controlled.

I’ve seen far too many people try to run before they can walk. And this almost always leads to either making no progress or, worse still, injuring themselves because they simply were not ready to tackle this beast of an exercise.

So I think it’s fair to say that if you can’t do at least seven pullups, you won’t have the base level of strength needed, and you should stick with regular old pullups a little while longer.

Best Way To Add Weight To Your Pullups

So when it comes to actually adding weight to your pullups. There are generally four options you can consider.

You can use a…

  • Weighted Vest
  • Dip Belt
  • Weighted Backpack (backpack loading with small weight plates or sand)
  • Or, hold a dumbbell between your legs (my least favorite option)

Now, speaking from personal experience, I’ve found a dip belt is almost always the best option when performing weighted pullups.

Here’s why…

Weighted vests (although great for other weighted exercises) don’t really allow you to utilize a full range of motion. They also tend to catch and rub on your shoulders after a while, making them really uncomfortable.

Loaded backpacks and dumbbells aren’t much better either. Because again, they’re quite uncomfortable to perform. As well as being limited to the amount of weight you can load on to the exercise.

On the flip side, a dip belt solves all of these problems in one fell swoop, because not only is your upper body able to move freely. There’s also no limit to how much weight you can load.

To add to this. A dip belt is great at helping you keep your form in check. 

This is primarily because pulling too quickly can sometimes cause the weight to swing slightly. And if you ask me, this is very dangerous territory considering the location of the plates.

Weighted Pullups Vs Weighted Chinups

weighted pullups and chinups

For most people, chinups (palms facing towards you) tend to be a hell of a lot easier to execute the traditional pullups (palms facing away from you).

But in order for you to get the most out of your pullup workout, you still ideally want to practice both movements to change up the angle of attack on your target muscles.

Now, because chinups are generally easier, it makes them awesome for loading up extra weight to help you build massive amounts of pulling strength.

Not only that, when you start changing things up and altering your hand position. You’ll find that things like narrow grip chinups plays a huge role in adding slabs of lean muscle to your biceps.

I’m not saying you should neglect pullups, by the way…

…Far from it.

Because even though you can’t load as much weight on pullups as you can with chinups.

They’re still essential for targeting the lats and creating that wide V-tapered look that most guys strive for.

I think the point I’m trying to make here is that variety is key. 

And simply changing things up like…

  • Hand positioning
  • The loading of the exercise

And really just generally mixing things up is what’s going to get the best results over time.

Rep Ranges Depending On Your Goals

man doing weighted pullups

As a general rule of thumb, most people’s training goals fall into one of the following three categories…

Training For strength (myofibril hypertrophy)

This is training purely to get strong with little consideration for gaining mass or looking bigger. Although this would still be a small byproduct of frequent strength training.

Strength training is performed in the 1-5 rep range for maximum strength.

Training For size (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy)

This is for guys whos only concern is getting big, jacked, hench, or whatever else you want to call it.

There’s also a certain degree of strength that comes with this type of training, but it’s primarily for mass, not the dense, lean muscle you see on most strength athletes.

6-12 reps are considered the optimal rep range if this is your goal.

Training For Muscular Endurance

This type of resistance training is ideal for those who need to sustain activity for any extended time.

It’s beneficial for athletes like runners, and it’s performed in the 12+ rep range.

The Perfect Rep Ranges For Size, Strength & Fat Loss

When it comes to weighted pullups (or any weighted calisthenics work for that matter). You’ll rarely find people perform this exercise in the 12+ rep range. 

And this is because you’d need to have a great degree of physical fitness to be able to sustain this for an extended period of time.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but most guys tend to utilize this style of training purely for strength and size gains.

Which brings us round to two very specific rep ranges I like to use to reap the benefits of each one.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Build Huge Slabs Of Muscle, Extreme Power, And The Ripped Body Of A Spartan Warrior Using Nothing More Than A Bar And Your Own Bodyweight…

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5×5 Pullups For Strength

The first weighted pullup workout is a traditional 5×5 workout.

It’s pretty straightforward. All you’re going to do is perform 5 sets of 5 reps using a relatively heavy load.

Ideally, you’ll want to load this exercise up with a weight you can perform around 7 reps with when you’re fresh.

This way, you’ll be able to get through the first few sets without too much trouble, but really have to push your self on the last 2-3 sets to complete all 5 reps.

This particular rep range works well because it’s heavy enough to build real strength. But it also has the right amount of sets to create enough training stimulus to add a little size aswell.

It’s a kind of a ‘best of both worlds’ scenario. But just remember to rest at least 3 minutes between each set to allow for recovery.

The 6×6 Fat Torcher

The second weighted pullup workout I’m going to show you is a 6×6 workout.

Again it’s pretty straightforward. You’re simply going to be performing 6 sets of 6 reps with no more than 30-45 rest between sets.

Now, because this workout is both high volume and short rest. It’s going to be massively taxing on your cardiovascular system.

So you’ll want to perform pullups with a weight you can move for around 10 clean reps with on your first set.

Don’t try and macho up here either and go to heavy because even thought the first couple of sets will be easy. I promise that by the time you start hitting set four, five, and ultimately the dreaded six. You’re going to feel the massive effect it has on your work output.

The idea here is to finish all 6 sets with just enough left in the tank before puking up a lung.

Increasing The Intensity Of Weighted Pullups

man doing pullups in the gym

Want to make each workout harder?


…Simply superset any of the above workouts with parallel bar dips and watch your strength, size, and endurance levels skyrocket to levels you never thought possible.

I’m not kidding when I say that combining these two exercises back to back with little rest is the ultimate one-two punch that’s going to take you from a weighted pullup beginner…

…All the way to the ultimate pullup warrior that knows no fear.

Now the reason these two exercises work so well together is that they work opposing muscle groups.

Basically, this means that while one set of muscles of working…

…For instance, your back and biceps (pullups) 

Your chest and triceps (dips) are getting some much-needed rest. 

Not only does this double the amount of work you can do in roughly the same time. But it also further increases the demand on your cardiovascular system, making it highly effective at torching a sh*t ton of fat in the process.

Training Frequency

Just briefly before I wrap this post up. I want to quickly talk about training frequency when performing weighted pullups.

Now, depending on the loading of the exercise, you’re probably gonna want to take at least 24 hours rest between workouts. 

This goes especially for the 5×5 routine because the fact is that heavy pullups are extremely taxing on your CNS (central nervous system).

And performing this type of workout any more than 3 times a week probably do you more harm than good in the long run.

Taking Your Workout To The Next Level

Hopefully, this has given you more than a little insight into what makes up an effective weighted pullup workout.

I think the key thing to remember here is that if you implement the above, stay consistent, and ultimately work your ass off. Then I’m confident that you’ll send your size, strength, and fat-burning ability through the roof.

However, I understand that everybody is different. And that there are a few people reading this who want the whole step-by-step package to get the most out of their workout.

If this is you, then here’s something that might just bring a smile to your face.

It’s called Bar Brothers The System

And it’s the ultimate calisthenics program that goes deep into the trenches of both progressive and weighed calisthenics.

As an added bonus, it also shows you how to perform advanced calisthenics skills like the…

  • Muscle-up
  • Front lever 
  • Pistols squat 

As well as loads of other cool calisthenics moves that defy the law of gravity.

Hit the video link below to take a look for yourself…

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Build Huge Slabs Of Muscle, Extreme Power, And The Ripped Body Of A Spartan Warrior Using Nothing More Than A Bar And Your Own Bodyweight…

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Bar Brother Video

Now, just to be clear, this isn’t some run of the mill calisthenics program that shows you a few basics and then leaves you to just get on with it.

Oh-no sherlock…

Because once you join the program, you’ll get complete, unrestricted access to a 12-week transformation program that takes you through everything you’ll ever need to know about using your bodyweight to its full potential.

Here’s the thing, though…

If you’re looking for a quick fix. Or you’re just hoping for some magic training solution that’s gonna get results with no effort on your part, then don’t get this program.

You’ll just be wasting your time and money, and you’ll be better off heading to the local bar and buying a few beers with the investment instead.

But if you’re looking for a way to build insane strength, huge slabs of lean muscle, and a body that a spartan warrior would envy. Then this might just be the golden ticket you’ve been looking for.

Anyway, that’s enough for today. Here’s the link again to go check it out…

Official Bar Brothers – The System

P.S. If you have any thoughts or comments you’d like to share or any other opinions on what you’ve just read. Feel free to drop a comment below…

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