How To Release A Pinched Nerve In Your Lower Back – The Quick & Easy Way

If you’re suffering from a pinched nerve in your lower back then I hear you. As do the thousands of other people facing the exact same problem. 

Nerves can become pinched or trapped for different reasons, but all those reasons have one thing in common – they’re’ painful, not to mention frustrating.

Even if the pain, is infrequent and mild, nobody should have to deal with constant pain from a trapped nerve.

And if that pain isn’t so mild… well, you don’t want to deal with that either.

Now for the good news. If the pain has started to become just a little bit too much to handle, it can often be managed effectively before it escalates into anything more serious. 

The trick, as is with most things pain related comes down to: 

a) establishing the root cause, 

b) early intervention, and 

c) consistency

So if you’re ready to put an end to the endless cycle of nerve pain, the first logical step is to release the pressure on the nerve.


Because if you can effectively free the nerve causing the issue, you’ll find it a lot less likely to reoccur in the future.

So before you do anything else, I’d highly recommend taking a few minutes to check out the short video below from Dr. Steve Young over at Back Pain Breakthrough.

Not only will this program show you exactly how to release a pinched nerve in your lower back, but you’ll also discover a few PROVEN techniques to help fix your posture, so the pain NEVER returns.

While it won’t do all the hard work for you. I guarantee that if you both watch the video and implement the “Targeted Spinal Release Techniques” Dr. Steve recommends on the next page, you’ll be able to quickly eliminate the pain for good.

Here’s the link to take a look: Click Here To Check Out Back Pain Breakthrough & Discover The Quick & Easy Way To Eliminate Lower Back Pain… Using Targeted Spinal Release Techniques That Take Minutes A Day To Apply!

(video will open in new window)

How Does The Nerve Become Pinched? – What The Science Says

The majority of the time, people suffering from a pinched nerve go about treating the problem the wrong way.

They tend to put all of their efforts into treating the symptoms of their pain without actually getting to the root cause.

Don’t get me wrong, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, or even a good massage are great ways to relieve a pinched nerve in the short term.

But the truth is unless you’re dealing with the root cause of the issue, then you’re never going to solve the issue long term.

So without getting too technical, I want to quickly give you a brief overview of the root cause of the issue.

Now, if you take a look at the picture below you’ll notice that the spine is made up of vertebrae, spinal discs, and the spinal nerve.

If you look closer you’ll also notice how there is plenty of room inside the spinal column to allow the nerves to sit freely without any pressure from the vertebrae.

Typically, this is what a pain-free, healthy back should look like.

However, if you’re one of the unlucky few suffering from a pinched nerve, chances are your back will look a little more like this. (see image below)

Do you see how the nerve inside the spinal column is being pinched by the vertebrae?

This is what’s causing the painful sensation in your back.

It’s also a recipe for disaster just waiting to happen.

Now it may sound obvious, but your nerves are very sensitive.

So as you can imagine, once your start to feel pressure against the nerve, it causes a HUGE surge of pain throughout your back.

The medical term for this is called “nerve impingement” and it’s the root cause of back pain.

What Is Nerve Impingement?

That’s the million-dollar question and one I’d be more than happy to answer.

Here’s the short version…

Inside your pelvis, there’s a deep-rooted muscle called the iliacus muscle.

This is one of the main movers of the pelvis that attaches the bottom of the spinal cord to the femur of the legs.

Whenever you do anything that involves your back… walking, sitting, bending down, etc… your iliacus muscle has the major job of supporting your spine.

Normally, the iliacus muscle works as it should. But due to the relaxed lifestyles that we’ve adopted over the years (lounging on the sofa, driving, working on the computer, etc.), the iliacus muscle tends to get overused.

See, overstimulation of the iliacus muscle causes it to get tighter.

When this happens, it naturally pulls the vertebrae further towards the nerves which over time, causes them to become impinged or even trapped.

And that’s when the real problem starts to present itself.

If the problem isn’t rectified, chances are the pain will continue to increase.

In worst cases, it can even cause permanent pain and numbness and even affect bladder and bowel control if not dealt with immediately.

Now, I probably don’t need to tell you that this is a HUGE problem, especially if the pressure is constant.

This is also where the techniques Dr. Steve discusses inside the Back Pain Breakthrough really come in handy.

Not only will you learn how to release the nerves causing your pain, but you’ll also discover a simple, targeted spinal release protocol to increase your energy and eliminate posture issues.

So if you haven’t had a chance to watch the video, now would be the time…

Here’s the link to take a look: Click Here To Check Out Back Pain Breakthrough & Discover How To Quickly Eliminate Back Pain… Using Simple, Targeted Spinal Release Techniques That Takes Minutes A Day To Apply!

(video will open in new window)

What Others Are Saying About Back Pain Breakthrough

“I’ve spent thousands of dollars on physio’s, massage, and chiropractors and it was a waste of money. I was still in constant pain. But after just one session with Back Pain Breakthrough, I immediately felt the results!

I used the protocol throughout the day when I had a few minutes and couldn’t believe how well it worked.

The best part was waking up the next morning, arching my back in bed and hallelujah! No pain!

I continue to use it every day and I’ve been able to start running again and have no more pain at work. I recommend this program wholeheartedly to anyone. You won’t be disappointed”.

Matt J – Sydney, Australia


“It’s amazing, I’ve suffered from sciatica for years. It’s extremely painful and feels like my back and feet are burning. But after using Targeted Spinal Release for just 3 days, I’m completely pain-free!

Now, when I get the occasional twinge, I perform the movement again and I’m back to normal right away.

I can’t thank you enough as this has changed my whole life!”

Sal B – Tacoma, Washington


“I can’t believe it!

After using the program for just one day, the pain has completely disappeared!

I’ve been able to start golfing again and I’m so happy to have my life back.

Thank you”

Brian W – Dallas, Texas

Watch Video: Click Here To Check Out Back Pain Breakthrough & Discover How To Quickly Eliminate Back Pain… Using Simple, Targeted Spinal Release Techniques That Takes Minutes A Day To Apply!

(video will open in new window)

Who Is Dr. Steve Young?

Dr. Steve Young DPT, MPT, CSCS has 31 years of experience and is one of the world’s leading Back pain specialists and injury prevention experts

He’s helped more than 31,591 people to completely eliminate their joint pain. His clients include every-day people, working with world’s top athletes from NFL footballers, to NBA players, MMA fighters and Hollywood actors who are performing physical roles and even nursing home residents.

If you want to learn more about how Dr. Steve’s program works, you can learn more at

Check out the video below to see Dr. Steve in action…

Click Here To Grab Your Copy Of Back Pain Breakthrough