Dealing with chronic pain like sciatica can be enough to push even the calmest person over the edge. And after endless trial and error experimenting with stretching, pain medication, and expensive physical therapy, you might be wondering what the hell you need to do to get rid of the pain once and for all.
I’ve spent years taking a deep dive into some of the best stretching programs out there to help eliminate certain pains like sciatica, and I can tell you firsthand that most of them aren’t all they cracked up to be.
But in that time I’ve also discovered a few diamonds in the rough. So today I’m going to provide you with an in-depth review of one of them so you can see for yourself if it’s really worth the hype.
After all, it can be pretty hit and miss when it comes to finding the best stretching program out there for sciatica, so the big question is: Which one is worth your time?
So grab yourself a coffee and a big bag of cookies because we’ve got a lot to talk about.
Here it goes…
Around 6 months ago I got an email from one of my subscribers talking about a stretching program that completely eliminated their sciatica pain. A few weeks later I also received an email from a woman raving about an online stretching program that was much more effective than anything she’s tried in the past.
This stretching program was Emily Larks Back To Life Program. And what surprised me more than anything is that I’d never actually heard of it.
Normally, when I hear about a new quick-fix stretching program there are usually several red flags. So I wanted to see if this program really lived up to the hype, but more importantly, if it actually delivered results.
But here’s where it gets interesting…
Shortly after hearing about Emily’s Back To Life program, I actually started to develop a mild case of sciatica myself.
It started with the occasional mild lower back pain that felt uncomfortable, but after a few weeks, I started to notice that the left side of my butt and hamstring would ache whenever I walked.
A few more weeks passed and it got to the point where I started to experience a sharp shooting pain down my leg whenever I twisted my hip or knee slightly. And it kept me constantly on edge whenever I walked.
And here’s the thing…
Stretching was already a big part of my life. In fact I spend at least 20-30 minutes stretching 4-5 times a week. So I was as surprised as anybody when I started to experience sciatica given the fact that I was so mobile and active.
Anyway, back to the story…
To give Emily’s Back To Life program a fair review. I wanted to see if her program actually delivered results. So I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to test the program for myself to see if it could help alleviate my sciatica and lower back pain.
Spoiler alert…
Yes, I 100% recommend Emily’s Back To Life Program. In fact, after being the human guinea pig and trying out this program myself. I’d even place it as my number one recommendation for all the stretching programs I’ve reviewed
What I love about this program is it takes a completely different approach by focusing on a holistic approach to stretching.
This means that instead of focusing on stretching the affected area, it focuses on stretching the whole body as a unit which in turn fixes the ROOT CAUSE of both lower back pain and sciatica.
After just a few days of implementing the stretches in Emily’s Back To Life Program, I’m now a firm believer that this is the only stretching program you’ll ever need to stay pain-free and healthy.
The first time I tried the stretching Emily demonstrated, I immediately felt lighter and more energetic. Not only that but the sporadic pain that had been bothering me for the past month wasn’t there anymore.
It felt like my body had returned to its natural pain-free state. And as I continued to implement the stretches each day, it became clear that this was the real deal.
All I can say is that Emily’s program works. Not only for myself but for the thousands of others who have used this program to deal with chronic pain and injury.
I won’t bore you with any more details, but what I will do is leave a link below so you can check it out for yourself.
Even if you’re still unsure if this program is right for you, get the program and try it for a few days. You owe it to yourself to see if these stretches are the missing link between you and a life of pain-free bliss.
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What Causes Sciatica?
With 8 out of 10 adults experiencing either back pain or sciatica, it really has become an epidemic.
That’s because, ever since the industrial revolution, our modern daily lifestyle has been subjecting our bodies to a slow-progressing problem known as Repetitive Trauma.
Repetitive Trauma affects everyone and most people have never even heard of it.
It is more common than car accidents, sports injuries, or even slips and falls and the damage can be even more devastating…Causing areas of imbalance and vulnerability in the body that can lead to major spinal and joint injuries.
If you have ever blamed yourself for your condition or wondered what you did wrong, it’s time for you to stop beating yourself up.
And believe me when I say there is no way you could have ever avoided the stress that Repetitive Trauma has been putting on your body.
That is because Repetitive Trauma comes from living your everyday modern life.
And the most traumatic repetitive movements are completely unavoidable.
Everything you do from driving your car, working at a computer, even texting on your phone, is pulling your body out of whack and creating imbalances in your spine and pelvis.
So even if you’ve made the best efforts to keep your body in great shape, you have still been subjected to Repetitive Trauma.
Worse still, years of Repetitive Trauma can cause a more severe musculoskeletal condition called Crossed Syndrome.
Crossed Syndrome creates misalignments and areas of vulnerability.
These muscular imbalances and postural distortions pull your pelvis and spine out of their natural healthy alignment and leave you more susceptible to aches, pains, and even severe injuries.
And without stable alignment, our discs are more likely to degenerate…
Our nerves can become pinched…
And our joints are subjected to more wear and tear…
Because they aren’t in their proper stable positions.
However, there is hope!
Your body is designed to return to its natural alignment, at any age…
It just doesn’t know how on its own.
Think of your body as a self-repairing machine, and once you know the precise sequence of gentle movements and stretches to power the “on” switch, you will be amazed at how quickly it begins to erase the damage and return to balance.
And the best part is that this can all be done in just minutes a day.
In fact, when I work with clients they are often surprised to see how quickly and easily their bodies can bounce back.
Repetitive Trauma and Crossed Syndrome can have devastating effects on the body…
But the good news is that they can be easily reversed.
With the right program of simple stretches and gentle strengthening movements, it is possible to fix Crossed Syndrome and prevent further damage from Repetitive Trauma.
If you want to discover the secret to reversing repetitive trauma and permanently eliminating sciatica pain, I’d highly recommend taking a moment to check out the Back To Life Program.
The Back to Life program is a stretching program designed to unlock tight muscles, improve core strength, and reverse the postural imbalances that lead to sciatica pain.
This simple, at-home program brings your spine and pelvis back into their optimal alignment for long-term stability and pain relief.
This program has been used by over 150,000 people of all ages and all walks of life. It is designed with modifications and variations for every age and body type.
It was created by Emily Lark. Who for over a decade has been known as an international fitness and healthy back expert.
After surviving a near-fatal car accident as a child, Emily experienced years of debilitating back pain. In 2008 she developed the Back to Life system to stop her own chronic pain, and she has dedicated her life to helping other people naturally and permanently find the same relief.
If you want to learn more about Emily’s Back To Life Program and discover the secret to quickly and permanently eliminating sciatica pain for good…check out the video below:
Here’s the link to take a look: Click Here To Check Out Emily Lark’s Back To Life Program And Discover A Simple 60-Second Stretch That Will Quickly And Permanently Eliminate Sciatica Pain For Good… Even If Nothing Else Has Worked!
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The Root Cause Of Sciatica – What The Science Says
The majority of the time, people suffering from sciatica go about solving the problem the wrong way.
They tend to put all of their efforts into treating the symptoms of their pain without actually getting to the root cause.
Don’t get me wrong, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, or even a good massage are great ways to relieve sciatica pain in the short term.
But the truth is unless you’re dealing with the root cause of the issue, then you’re never going to solve the issue long term.
So without getting too technical, I want to quickly give you a brief overview of the root cause of the majority of sciatica problems.
Now, if you take a look at the picture below you’ll notice that the spine is made up of vertebrae, spinal discs, and the spinal nerve.
If you look closer what you’ll also notice how there is plenty of room inside the spinal column to allow the nerves to sit freely without any pressure from the vertebrae.
Typically, this is what a pain-free, healthy back should look like.
However, if you’re one of the unlucky few suffering from mild or even severe sciatica, chances are your back will look a little more like this. (see image below)
Do you see how the nerve inside the spinal column is being pinched by the vertebrae?
This is what’s causing the painful sensation in your back and legs.
It’s also a recipe for disaster just waiting to happen.
Now it may sound obvious, but your nerves are very sensitive.
So as you can imagine, once you start to feel pressure against the nerve, it causes a HUGE surge of pain throughout your back and legs.
The medical term for this is called “nerve impingement” and it’s the root cause of sciatica pain.
What Is Nerve Impingement?
That’s the million-dollar question and one I’d be more than happy to answer.
Here’s the short version…
Inside your pelvis, there’s a deep-rooted muscle called the piriformis muscle
This is one of the main movers of the pelvis that attaches the bottom of the spinal cord to the femur of the legs.
Whenever you do anything that involves your back… walking, sitting, bending down, etc… your piriformis muscle has the major job of supporting your spine.
Normally, the piriformis muscle works as it should. But due to the relaxed lifestyles that we’ve adopted over the years (lounging on the sofa, driving, working on the computer, etc.), the piriformis muscle tends to get overused.
See, overstimulation of the piriformis muscle causes it to get tighter.
When this happens, it naturally pulls the vertebrae further towards the nerves which over time, causes them to become impinged or even trapped.
And that’s when the real problem starts to present itself.
If the problem isn’t rectified, chances are the pain will continue to increase.
In worst cases, it can even cause permanent pain and numbness and even affect bladder and bowel control if not dealt with immediately.
Now, I probably don’t need to tell you that this is a HUGE problem, especially if the pressure is constant.
This is also where the simple 60-second stretches Emily Lark reveals inside the Back To Life Program really come in handy.
Not only will these stretches help release the nerves causing your pain, but they will also dramatically improve your flexibility and posture in just minutes.
So if you haven’t had a chance to check out the program, now would be the time…
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How To Cure Sciatica Pain
So now you know that the piriformis muscle is the cause of your sciatica pain. The next question is “What can you do about it?”
Well, the fastest and easiest way to INSTANTLY relieve sciatica pain is by implementing the stretches inside Emily Lark’s Back To Life Program.
These stretches are designed to release and straighten tight piriformis muscles. Which in turn moves the vertebrae away from your spinal nerve and gives you INSTANT relief from pain!
Again, these movements don’t require any equipment and they take literally a minute to apply.
And the best part is that it’s totally painless and puts zero stress on your body.
In fact, it’s so gentle and effortless that thousands of 80 and even 90-year-olds…have used it to successfully treat sciatica pain.
And once you try it… it will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced in your life.
So now you know the secret to eliminating sciatica pain, go ahead and check out Emily Lark’s Back To Life Program.
And I’m confident that if you not only check out the program but actually apply these specific stretches Emily reveals into your daily routine, you’ll notice the immediate effect it has on your sciatica for the better.
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What Others Are Saying About Emily Lark
“I became injured and barely could even walk. I had three months of physical therapy, I went to the chiropractor numerous times…I was so frustrated! None of it was working, I actually thought I was losing my mind!
I read a newspaper article about Emily and her new program and I thought, I NEED to try this! I can honestly say it has changed my life. I don’t take Ibuprofen every day. I am physically active. I can bend over and touch my toes. And I can play with my grandbabies at will. And to me that’s everything!”*
– Mary W. 67 Years Old
“I ran into this really difficult situation with this really terrible pain down the back of my leg. I found out later it was called sciatic pain. It was difficult for me to get out of a chair and walk down the hall.
My wife introduced me to Emily’s technique because I really needed to get rid of this pain…so I started doing it and after a few sessions I became totally pain free! And I’ve been pain free for over a year!”*
– Bob T. 54 Years Old
“I’m 56 years old. I was having sciatic problems and I had gone to a chiropractor for about 3 months and I was getting no results… So I went online and I found Emily’s program and it’s amazing!
I feel so good! My body feels good! She knows exactly what to do to make the pain go away! Ever since I’ve done this I feel healthier and more fit. It’s been amazing!”*
– Karen B. 56 Years Old
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Who Is Emily Lark?
Hi, I’m Emily
I know firsthand that back pain doesn’t just hurt your back, it hurts your whole life.
Most people know me as a nationally certified top health and fitness expert and a happy, active mom of two. But my life didn’t always look like this.
When I was a child I survived a near-fatal accident that left me with years of chronic debilitating pain. At my lowest point I was unable to work, barely able to move, 30 pounds overweight, and deeply depressed.
And worst of all, I worried that I may never be able to have children because I could barely take care of myself, let alone a baby.
I know what it’s like to feel trapped in your body by pain.
And I also know what it’s like to lose hope.
But now, I am blessed to be a happy, active mom of two. And I am living proof that it is not only possible to bounce back from years of chronic pain, but you can feel better than you ever have!
Over the past ten years, I have worked with thousands of in-person clients around the country and now tens of thousands of people all over the world have used my program to finally get the relief they’ve been longing for…
If you want to learn more about how Emily’s program can work for you, check out https://BackToLife.Com